
Prvý kanál o priemyselných komponentoch

Na našom kanáli sa venujeme témam z oblasti elektroniky, mechaniky a hydrauliky. Naše videá vyvíjame v spolupráci s výrobnými spoločnosťami, podrobne ilustrujúc fungovanie priemyselných produktov.


87 články
Ako fungujú mechanické tesnenia

Mechanické tesnenie je zariadenie schopné izolovať dva prostredia, medzi ktorými je komponent (napríklad hriadeľ), ktorý má kruhový alebo axiálny pohyb.

Spoločnosť Jaes, ktorá pôsobí v oblasti priemyselného zásobovania viac ako 10 rokov, ponúka vo svojom katalógu všetky druhy mechanických tesnení od najväčších výrobcov.
Are nuclear power plants safe? How they work and how they are built.

Technological development over the years allowed to acquire knowledge of extraordinary physical principles such as: x-ray discovery which revolutionised medicine, Newton’s work which allowed Einstein to work on the theory of relativity or the atom discovery which led to nuclear fission.

All these accomplishments have always divided the opinion of the scientific...
Bearing Designation system

Bearings are mechanical components used to support and facilitate the rotational movement between two parts of a machine or device. They are designed to reduce friction and wear during movement, allowing a smooth and fluid rotation.

For this reason, it is crucial to carry out periodic supervision of their condition, using a qualified technician.
In the event...
How is shale gas extracted?

Shale Gas - Fracking - Vaca Muerta

Have you ever heard of shale gas? It is methane gas, trapped in the microporosity of clay rocks, found in unconventional reservoirs. In this new video we will explain what it is, where it is found, and how it is extracted.

Shale Gas is the term used to specify this...
How to read an Engineering Drawing

In engineering, when an object is designed, a technical drawing is used to represent it graphically on a screen or sheet, so that engineers, workers, but also those who will need that product, can communicate with each other and understand what it looks like.

In this video we will look at the basics of learning how to read a technical drawing. So that in just a few minutes you can correctly...
Load Cell

Many people use weighing scale for many reasons: to check their weight in the morning, to dose the food to prepare a meal, to know the weight of a load to carry. But many don’t know that in order to perform such a simple operation they are using LOAD CELLS!

In the past, to know the weight of objects they used to use old weighing scales with the help of some weights, but nowadays we have instruments that automatically...
How does an industrial fan work?

Axial fan – Centrifugal fan – Flow rate calculation

Whether we are in production plants, assembly lines, spray booths or engine test booths, air quality inside these environments must be checked and cleaned to ensure the wellness of the workers; nowadays, modern plants which want to obtaining fresh air in industrial environments use the industrial fan. ...
How gas pipelines and Compressor Plants Work, Maintenance with Smart Pig

In our previous videos, we have seen how gas is extracted, and how it is transported by gas carriers using liquefaction and regasification processes.

In this video, we will see what gas pipelines are; ducts used to transport natural (or artificial) gas from the production facility to consumers.
How scrap steel is used

Electric Furnace - Direct Reduced iron (HBI) - the future of steel

Introduction on scrap, from what it is obtained, in which sector.
Electric furnace technology utilising scrap.
Electric furnace benefits for the environment. ...
Sensors and Transducers

We are surrounded by electronic devices of any kind, but have you ever wondered how they know exactly what they have to do and when they have to do it in order to work properly?

From smartphones to refrigerators, from computers to entire power stations, in every field of electronics, what makes circuits work properly are Sensors, devices that acquire information from the outside world and transmit it to...
What is steel?

When was it discovered? What types of steel do exist? Which are its applications?

It is resistant to corrosion, traction and wear. It was first discovered by some Hindu tribes, perfected in its use by the Japanese people and later discontinued for a long time; only to be rediscovered in England in 1740. What are we talking about? Obviously, we are talking about the most widely used metal alloy all over the world,...
What are filters? How do they work?

Filtration is a physical process that separates solid material from a fluid that can be liquid or gaseous. This phenomenon occurs thanks to a filter medium hat has a complex structure through which only the fluid can pass.

It is a very simple operation, but of fundamental importance in many areas.
In nature, drinkable water is obtained by its...
Types of compressors and how they work

A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gaseous fluid by reducing its volume, so that it can be transported through pipes.

With over 10 years of experience in industrial supplies, Jaes’s catalogue offers every type of compressor from the leading manufacturers.
How is a LNG regasifier transported? How does it work?

In one of our previous videos we talked about natural gas. We went through all the detailed steps necessary for its extraction, the types of plant where it is used and we also had an overview of its peculiar features.

As aforementioned, once the gas has been extracted it is refined and transported through gas or methane pipelines, into electrical systems and households. ...
How does a Thermocouple work?

The thermocouple is a very simple and cheap instrument, which can measure different degrees of temperature; thanks to its simplicity it is used in many industrial sectors.

The basic principle that uses the thermocouple for its operation was discovered by the physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck in 1822. He discovered that in a closed circuit composed of two conductors of different nature and subjected to a...
Gearings , Gear trains, Reduction Drive, and Gearmotors

A gear train is a succession of gear wheels meshed together in such a way that the rotation of one causes the rotation of the others. The transmission of kinetic energy from an engine of any type to a user element is based on this simple mechanism, which is therefore utilised in several machineries.

In this video, we are firstly going to point out the principles of gear trains....
What is a capacitor and how it works? Ceramic - Electrolytic – Tantalum - Supercapacitor

The capacitor is a component that stores an electric charge, as a battery would, but has a different operation and use.
We can find them in all circuit boards and they are very useful because they can release energy when the main electrical supply gets interrupted or is unstable.

In this video...
How Chiller works

A chiller, also known as refrigeration unit, is a thermal machine which, by exploiting the compression and expansion of a refrigerating gaseous fluid, can remove the heat from a heat-carrying fluid, which is often water or air.

JAES, leader in the spare parts industry for more than 10 years, offers in its catalogue all types of chillers from the leading manufacturers. ...
Actuators for Hydraulic Valves

Valves are mechanical devices, with manual or automatic control, which, placed in the way of a fluid current, intercept the flow.

Thanks to their use it is possible:
Starting, Stopping or Controlling the direction of the flow or to control the characteristic parameters of a fluid in the pipeline, ie pressure and flow rate. ...
How is natural gas extracted?

Our Earth disposes of several fossil fuels such as oil, the most common resource used for transportation, or coal, which is mostly used in the industrial sector.

However, there is another type of fuel which we use on a daily basis to produce energy in power plants or even to heat up our own houses: we are talking about Natural Gas!

Our journey through Zanardi Fonderie’s production plant continues and in this video we will observe the ancient melting and casting process of the cast iron jets, a process which is still evolving today.

In our previous video, we started with the design offices all the way to the coupling of the two green sand half moulds, ready to host the liquid cast iron. ...
How do Double-row Angular Contact Ball Bearing work?

Bearings are mechanisms used to reduce the friction between two objects in rotary or linear motion with each other.

In this video we will see the operation of double row angular contact ball bearings, and in the videos of this playlist you will see all kinds of bearings.

Jaes, leader...
How do Single-row Angular Contact Ball Bearing work?

Bearings are mechanisms used to reduce the friction between two objects in rotary or linear motion with each other.

In this video we will see the operation of single-row angular contact ball bearings, and in the videos of this playlist you will see all kinds of bearings.

Jaes, leader...
How do Self-Aligning Ball Bearing work?

The bearing is a mechanism, used to reduce the friction between two rotating or linear moving objects.

In this video, we will show you how the Self-Aligning Ball Bearing works,and inside this playlists, you can find any variety of bearing.

Jaes, leader in the industrial supplies sector for more...