
La première chaîne sur les composants industriels

Dans notre chaîne, nous traitons de sujets liés à l'électronique, à la mécanique et à l'hydraulique. Nous développons nos vidéos en collaboration avec des entreprises manufacturières, illustrant en détail le fonctionnement des produits industriels.


84 articles
Comment le gaz de schiste est-il extrait ?

Gaz de schiste - Fracking - Vaca Muerta

Avez-vous déjà entendu parler du gaz de schiste? Il s’agit de méthane emprisonné dans la microporosité des roches argileuses, que l’on trouve dans les réservoirs non conventionnels. Dans cette nouvelle vidéo, nous expliquons ce qu’il est, où il se trouve et comment il est extrait.

En ingénierie, lorsqu’un objet est conçu, le dessin technique est utilisé pour le représenter graphiquement sur un écran ou une feuille, afin que les ingénieurs, les ouvriers, mais aussi ceux qui auront besoin de ce produit, puissent communiquer entre eux et comprendre comment il est fait.

Dans cette vidéo, nous verrons les bases de l’apprentissage de la lecture d’un dessin...
Capteur de pasage

Beaucoup de gens utilisent la balance pour de nombreuses raisons : surveiller son poids le matin, doser des aliments pour préparer un repas, connaître le poids d’une charge à transporter. Mais peu de gens savent qu’ils utilisent des CAPTEURS DE PESAGE pour effectuer cette simple tâche!In passato per conoscere il peso degli oggetti si utilizzavano le vecchie bilance con l’aiuto di alcuni pesi, ma oggi abbiamo degli strumenti che misurano automaticamente il peso. ...
Comment fonctionne un ventilateur industriel?

Qu’il s’agisse d’usines de production, de chaînes de montage, de cabines de peinture ou de cabines d’essai pour moteurs, la qualité de l’air à l’intérieur de ces environnements doit être contrôlée et propre pour assurer le bien-être des personnes qui y travaillent; de nos jours un objet électromécanique qui nous aide à obtenir de l’air propre dans les environnements industriels, est considéré comme indispensable: il s’agit du ventilateur industriel. ...
Comment les gazoducs e les installations de compression fonctionnent, manutention avec Smart Pig

Dans les vidéos précédentes, nous avons vu comment le gaz est extrait, et comment il est transporté par bateau en utilisant les processus de liquéfaction et d’extraction.

Dans cet video nous allons voir ce que sont les gazoducs; des conduites utilisées pour le transport de gaz naturel (ou artificiel) du lieu de production au lieu...
Comment est-il utilisé le rebut d’acier?

Vous vous n’avez jamais demandé où finissent les rebuts des véhicules ? Par exemple des chars de combat pas en service ou des vôtres voitures ? La plupart de ces véhicules sont composés d’acier, matériau ferreux, très solide et durable, capable de résister aux chocs et à la corrosion.

Dans notre précédent vidéo, nous avons illustré l’histoire et les caractéristiques...
Sensors and Transducers

We are surrounded by electronic devices of any kind, but have you ever wondered how they know exactly what they have to do and when they have to do it in order to work properly?

From smartphones to refrigerators, from computers to entire power stations, in every field of electronics, what makes circuits work properly are Sensors, devices that acquire information from the outside world and transmit it to...
What is steel?

When was it discovered? What types of steel do exist? Which are its applications?

It is resistant to corrosion, traction and wear. It was first discovered by some Hindu tribes, perfected in its use by the Japanese people and later discontinued for a long time; only to be rediscovered in England in 1740. What are we talking about? Obviously, we are talking about the most widely used metal alloy all over the world,...
What are filters? How do they work?

Filtration is a physical process that separates solid material from a fluid that can be liquid or gaseous. This phenomenon occurs thanks to a filter medium hat has a complex structure through which only the fluid can pass.

It is a very simple operation, but of fundamental importance in many areas.
In nature, drinkable water is obtained by its...
Types of compressors and how they work

A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gaseous fluid by reducing its volume, so that it can be transported through pipes.

With over 10 years of experience in industrial supplies, Jaes’s catalogue offers every type of compressor from the leading manufacturers.
Comment un regazéifieur de gaz naturel liquide est-il transporté et comment fonctionne-t-il?

Dans notre précédente vidéo, nous avons parlé du gaz naturel et de ses caractéristiques, en examinant en détail toutes les étapes nécessaires à son extraction et les types de plantes.

Comme nous l’avons déjà mentionné, le gaz une fois extrait est raffiné et transporté par gazoducs ou méthanoducs jusqu’aux centrales...
How does a Thermocouple work?

The thermocouple is a very simple and cheap instrument, which can measure different degrees of temperature; thanks to its simplicity it is used in many industrial sectors.

The basic principle that uses the thermocouple for its operation was discovered by the physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck in 1822. He discovered that in a closed circuit composed of two conductors of different nature and subjected to a...
Gearings , Gear trains, Reduction Drive, and Gearmotors

A gear train is a succession of gear wheels meshed together in such a way that the rotation of one causes the rotation of the others. The transmission of kinetic energy from an engine of any type to a user element is based on this simple mechanism, which is therefore utilised in several machineries.

In this video, we are firstly going to point out the principles of gear trains....
What is a capacitor and how it works? Ceramic - Electrolytic – Tantalum - Supercapacitor

The capacitor is a component that stores an electric charge, as a battery would, but has a different operation and use.
We can find them in all circuit boards and they are very useful because they can release energy when the main electrical supply gets interrupted or is unstable.

In this video...
How Chiller works

A chiller, also known as refrigeration unit, is a thermal machine which, by exploiting the compression and expansion of a refrigerating gaseous fluid, can remove the heat from a heat-carrying fluid, which is often water or air.

JAES, leader in the spare parts industry for more than 10 years, offers in its catalogue all types of chillers from the leading manufacturers. ...
Actuators for Hydraulic Valves

Valves are mechanical devices, with manual or automatic control, which, placed in the way of a fluid current, intercept the flow.

Thanks to their use it is possible:
Starting, Stopping or Controlling the direction of the flow or to control the characteristic parameters of a fluid in the pipeline, ie pressure and flow rate. ...
How is natural gas extracted?

Our Earth disposes of several fossil fuels such as oil, the most common resource used for transportation, or coal, which is mostly used in the industrial sector.

However, there is another type of fuel which we use on a daily basis to produce energy in power plants or even to heat up our own houses: we are talking about Natural Gas!

Our journey through Zanardi Fonderie’s production plant continues and in this video we will observe the ancient melting and casting process of the cast iron jets, a process which is still evolving today.

In our previous video, we started with the design offices all the way to the coupling of the two green sand half moulds, ready to host the liquid cast iron. ...
How do Double-row Angular Contact Ball Bearing work?

Bearings are mechanisms used to reduce the friction between two objects in rotary or linear motion with each other.

In this video we will see the operation of double row angular contact ball bearings, and in the videos of this playlist you will see all kinds of bearings.

Jaes, leader...
How do Single-row Angular Contact Ball Bearing work?

Bearings are mechanisms used to reduce the friction between two objects in rotary or linear motion with each other.

In this video we will see the operation of single-row angular contact ball bearings, and in the videos of this playlist you will see all kinds of bearings.

Jaes, leader...
How do Self-Aligning Ball Bearing work?

The bearing is a mechanism, used to reduce the friction between two rotating or linear moving objects.

In this video, we will show you how the Self-Aligning Ball Bearing works,and inside this playlists, you can find any variety of bearing.

Jaes, leader in the industrial supplies sector for more...

Bearings are mechanical tools that have the ability to reduce or eliminate friction between two or more elements in rotary or linear motion between them.

In this video we will see the history of bearings, and in the videos of this playlist you will see each kind of bearing.

Jaes, leader in the industrial supplies...
How do double-row Radial Ball BEARING work?

Bearings are a mechanism used to reduce the friction between two objects in rotary or linear motion with each other.

In this video we will see the operation of the double row radial ball bearing, and in the videos of this playlist you can see the other kinds of bearing.

Jaes, leader in the...
How does a single-row Radial Ball BEARING work? Shallow groove and Deep groove - Maximum capacity

The bearing is a mechanism used to minimize the friction between two rotating or linear moving objects.

In this video, we will show you how the single-row Radial Ball bearing works, and inside this playlists, you can find any variety of bearing.