
La première chaîne sur les composants industriels

Dans notre chaîne, nous traitons de sujets liés à l'électronique, à la mécanique et à l'hydraulique. Nous développons nos vidéos en collaboration avec des entreprises manufacturières, illustrant en détail le fonctionnement des produits industriels.


84 articles

Have you ever wondered how many types of pumps exist and what are their features?

Pumps are operating machines for moving liquids or gases, thanks to some mechanical parts that are powered by rotary or alternative rectilinear motion.

Nowadays they are widely used in different industry fields, but they already exist...
How does a DCS work? ( Spread control system)

Over the years, industry as a whole has undergone countless changes, especially when it comes to the technologies that are used. Automation is one of them, in fact, it has improved production and security processes. In this video we will talk about DCS. What are they and how are they used?

The DCS is a system that coordinates and manages an entire plant with many different processes. ...
How Mechanical Seals Work

The mechanical seal is a device that is capable of isolating two environments, where between the two is found a component (like a shaft) with a circular or axial motion.

Jaes, for over a decade has been providing its customers with the best solution for their supply chain and in its catalogue catalog every kind of mechanical seal from the leading manufacturers ...
How does a foundry work? In collaboration with Zanardi Fonderie

In the metallurgical branch, foundries are those factories where many metallic parts and components that will be used in different industrial sectors such as transportation or petroleum plants are produced.
The foundry, through melting and casting process, produces countless parts of various shapes and dimensions: the melting and casting process is one of the most ancient working techniques: the first casted pieces were...
How a PLUG VALVE Works

Valves are shut-off or regulating equipment placed along the path of a fluid stream.

They can either enable or interrupt the fluid to flow, regulate the range or pressure rate and their body has inlet and outlet ports. Inside them there is a moving element for flow regulation or interruption.

In this video, we...
How do hybrid cars work?

The automotive industry is constantly evolving, from electric vehicles to the most futuristic hydrogen cars; a sector which is trying to lead mobility into a fossil free world without oil for instance.

Guiding an entire society into a sustainable mobility is very difficult, but hybrids are coming to help us doing so. These vehicles combine the best technology from endothermic engines and electric...
Synchronous motor

The synchronous motor is an electric motor whose rotation speed is synchronized with the electric frequency of the alternating current and it is used in different fields where high precision is necessary.
In this video we will explain how this type of engine works.

JAES, for over a decade has been providing its customer with the best solutions for their supply chain...
Check Valves

Valves are shut-off or regulating equipment placed along the path of a fluid stream.

In this video we will show you how a check valve works. Watch also the other videos on our playlist to find out all the other types of valves we use every day.

JAES, for over a decade has been providing its customer with the best solutions...
How a CPU is made and how it works

Silicon is the second most common element on Earth, followed by oxygen; it can be easily found on the sand, but as we’ve learned in our previous videos it is also used for its conducting properties. In fact, it is the main element of photovoltaic cells, diodes, thyristors and transistors; the latter in particular (in the mosfet version) is the primary component for the realization of the central processing unit, which we all know as the CPU.
How an integrated circuit is made

If we open our computers, our smartphones or any other electronic device, we’ll certainly notice that there are always one or more electronic cards. In these cards, we can find small black parallelepipeds, called integrated circuits.

In this video we will see how integrated circuits are made and why they are the basis of all electrical devices.
How does a heat exchanger work?

Even if it doesn’t seem like it, several of the objects we have in the house are at the theoretical level of heat exchangers; they allow the exchange of thermal energy between two fluids (which can be liquid or gaseous) without these coming into contact with each other.

In this video we will see how a heat exchanger works.
Jaes, leader in industrial...

Valves are shut-off or regulating equipment placed along the path of a fluid stream. They can either let or interrupt a fluid to flow, regulate the flow rate or the current pressure; they are equipped also with actuators, a mechanism which control the movable element for regulating or interrupting the flow.

The solenoid valve is a type of valve equipped with an electromechanical actuator, usually a solenoid. In this...

After diving into the history and basic principles of industrial pumps, after having applied the Bernoulli equations to explain the functioning of centrifugal pumps, after building a tiny version of a water pump with recycled materials, in this video we are going to learn pump calculations and in the specific we’re going to learn how to calculate:
the FLOW RATE, the revolutions per minute RPM,...

With renewable energy we mean energy sources other than traditional made out from fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas. They don’t pollute nor exhaust, since they can regenerate at the end of their lifecycle.
These sources are a great advantage for both environmental protection and human health and are used to produce electricity.
What kind of renewable energy do we use and what is its potential? We’re...
How do relays work?

A relay is an electromechanical switch: it is necessary when, with small power available, you need to control a secondary circuit that can have higher voltage, amperage, or even different types of current, such as alternating or direct current.
The drive circuit can be closed by a simple manual switch, but also by various kinds of analog or electronic equipment.
The controlled circuit, on the other hand, can power...
How does a ball valve work?

Valves are shut-off or regulating equipment placed along the path of fluid streams.

In this video we will show you how a ball valve works. Moreover, if you watch the other videos on our playlist you will find out all the other types of valves existing.

JAES, for over a decade has been providing its customer...
Butterfly Valve – Hydraulic Valves

Valves are tools that direct, control or regulate the flow of a fluid.
They can allow or interrupt the flow, regulate the flow or pressure rate and their body has inlet and outlet ports, inside of which there is a moving element for flow regulation or interruption.

In this video we’ll explain how butterfly valve works and watching videos in our...
Système de refroidissement d’une voiture


Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment fonctionne le système de refroidissement de votre voiture ? Même si ça n’a pas l’air, nous parlons ici d’un organe très important de la carrosserie de la voiture, qui permet au moteur de fonctionner parfaitement.
Vanne Tesla

Une vanne Tesla est un clapet anti-retour passif à géométrie fixe.

Elle permet à un fluide de s’écouler préférentiellement dans une direction, sans pièces mobiles.

L’appareil doit son nom à Nikola Tesla, qui l’a inventé en 1920.
How hydraulic valves work

Valves are tools that direct, control or regulate the flow of a fluid.

They can allow or interrupt the flow, regulate the flow rate or pressure and their body has inlet and outlet ports, inside of which there is a moving element for flow regulation or interruption.

Since the dawn of civilization human beings...
How do hydrogen cars work?

There has been quite a discussion lately about an alternative fuel car: the HYDROGEN CAR! This is the green alternative to the classic combustion engine.

When talking about hydrogen cars, we don’t mean an hydrogen fuelled engine, but an electric engine getting power from an hydrogen fuel cell.

Today there...
How do Lithium-ion batteries work?

Rechargeable and lightweight, Lithium-ion batteries have changed our lives on the way we communicate, move and work. Let’s see how they were born and how they work.

These batteries have revolutionized the way of storing energy since the early nineties.

The real protagonist is LITHIUM, this metal...
Ultra-low-temperature freezers (ULT) Vaccine freezer

Ultra-low-temperature freezer or ULT freezer is one of the main tools used in many research laboratories, as well as in many branches of science such as: molecular biology and life science.
It also represent an essential device for vaccine transportation. An ULT freezer is in fact necessary when it comes to protect important and delicate biological samples.
A train across the sea - One of the coolest experiences in transportation

Thanks to the rapid development of rail networks as well as international railway lines; nowaday trains are able to travel thousands of miles across state lines and reach foreign lands or distant places.
But, did you know, that trains, can also reach the islands??
In this video we will show how a train is able to travel across the sea thanks to the aid of a...